I have been looking for the perfect moist and chocolaty recipe for a long time and now I gave up and invented this recipe with a few of my favourite ingredients. I LOVE almond meal in everything. For this recipe I made it myself I like that it gets a little coarser when you mix it yourself. I enjoy baking with vegetable because it adds that extra moist. This chocolate cake is a dream to chocolate lovers. The beets add moist and the almond meal a nutty texture wish I love. Almond meal you can buy or easily make yourself by mixing almonds in a blender.This cake is not super sweet but gives you a true chocolate experience.
Serves 8-10 people
200 g butter
200 g dark 70% chocolate
250g raw beetroots
2 dl almond meal
2dl spelt flour
2 dl cream
3 egg
1½ dl white sugar
1 dl raw sugar
5 tbsp cacao
1 tsp vanilla sugar
pinch of salt
Chocolate glaze
100 g dark chocolate 70%
20 g butter
1dl cream
1. Put the oven on 200 C. Melt the butter in a pot and take of from the heat. Put the chopped chocolate and stir until melted . Add the almond meal, cacao and cream.
2. Peel the beets then grate them and add to the chocolate mix.
2. Separate the whites from the yolk and whip the whites until stiff .
3. Whip the egg yolks with the sugar and vanilla sugar until fluffy.
4. Gently stir in the egg yolks with the chocolate mix in a bigger bowl . Then carefully turn the whipped egg whites.
5. Pour the batter in a greased baking pan , 22–23 cm in diameter. Bake the cake in the lower part of the oven for 45–50 min.
6. For the glaze coarsely chop the chocolate and cut the butter in cubes. Heat the cream in a saucepan and take of the heat when it starts to boil. Add the chocolate and butter and stir until it all melts. drizzle it offer the cooled cake.
Good luck!
Ser fantastiskt smarrig ut!! Kan man byta ut speltmjöl mot något annat (glutenfritt) tro..?
Ser urläckert ut! Ska testa att byta ut speltmjölet mot nåt annat och göra den glutenfri.
Tack för recept!
Ja varför inte använda majsmjöl istället för dinkelmjölet.Lycka till! Tack för att ni kollade in!
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